Cleaning Column Labels 1. Drop extraneous columns Drop features that aren't consistent (not present in both datasets) or aren't relevant to our...
Assessing Data The files all_alpha_08.csv and all_alpha_18.csv discussed in the previous pages have been provided in the workspace for you here to...
Fuel Economy Data This information is provided by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Mobile Sources, National Vehicle and Fuel...
Using Documentation to Understand Data Here are the files you saw in the last video. Use them to help you answer the following questions. README.txt...
yt link Data Overview We'll learn more about these features as we go. Right now, we have a good idea of what data we're working with, so let's answer...
yt link Welcome To The Data Analysis Process - Case Study 2 In this second case study, you'll be analyzing fuel economy data provided by the EPA, or...