Introduction to Data Analysis Lesson 5 Data Analysis Process - Case Study 2: Data Overview


1 min read

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Data Overview

We'll learn more about these features as we go. Right now, we have a good idea of what data we're working with, so let's answer some questions. You'll see quick descriptions of each feature again in the next section to help you.

Data Source

Below are the web pages from this video. Note that the datasets we'll be working with are slightly simpler than those found here.

You do not actually need to download any files from these websites yourself - the data you need will be provided for you in the activities ahead. If you do wish to download the datasets to work locally, they are provided in the Resources folder in the classroom. Also remember, you can always download any files in the classroom workspaces by clicking the Jupyter logo on the top left corner of the notebook to get to the file directory, clicking the box next to a file to select, and then clicking download.